Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NaNoWriMo: Success!!

You are looking at the proud winner of NaNoWriMo 2011; a funny contest, in that it can have infinite winners, since there is no finite limit on words that can be put to our collective and individual imaginations.

A fact for which I am very grateful.

In honor of the event, I will be posting one last scene from the new novel, A.J. Pendlebolt: Gnomish Detective this Friday.  Since the novel is barely half-finished, I may continue to post snippets over the course of the next few months.  With any luck, a manuscript will be going out to publishers in March 2012.

Thank you to all my friends who humbly agreed to be told to buzz off over the course of the past month, to my cats for keeping the sitting-on-keyboard antics to a minimum, and to my girlfriend for perhaps being the most understanding soul of all (given that we also closed on our first house this month).

To all my fellow WriMo's, whether you hit the mark or not, thank you for sharing with us the little crazy things rattling around in your beautiful brains so that they might spark something equally crazy in ours.

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